Version 19.0073 December 4, 2019

1. Rent Roll Columns Report: Fixed a printing error in the Rent Roll-Columns Report for certain additional fields.
2. Rent Receipt Program: Fixed a printing error in the Rent Receipt Program showing the wrong tenant name in some cases.

Version 19.0067 October 28, 2019

1. Rent Stabilization Rider: Added an additional Rent Stabilization Rider RA-LRT-19 (9/19). This additional rider is coded for use at the tenant letters area. The other Rider RA-LR1 is for use at the Tenant Application area. (NOTE: To print on letter size paper, you must be sure to set the printer settings to scale to letter size (or for some printers, set to "fit").
2. Posting Rent Issue: Fixed an issue that was reported to us during the posting rent program. Some computers are corrupting the "eapply.dbf" file. We added a processing delay factor to avoid this problem. If you get this error, you must contact tech support to repair the damage and set the delay factor. Email to
3. ETPA Forms: The ETPA Rent Stabilization Addenda was added as a template letter. (Note: There are two templates – one designed for the Tenant Application program
[ET-LR1-19] and one designed for the Tenant Letters program [ET-LRT-19])

4. Rent Stabilization Rider: Added the new Rent Stabilization Rider template [RA-LRT-19] designed for the Tenant Letters Program.
5. Error Messages: Added a program to collect error messages. This will enable RIS Tech Support to better analyze error issues.

Version 19.0064 October 21, 2019

1. Report Utility: Enhanced this utility that, when enabled, will track which network station is using which report. This is especially useful when a report is locked by a crashed computer.
2. Deposits: Fixed an issue with the new feature that repeats previous apartment upon deposit input where a moved out tenant is selected. Also removed an unnecessary error message when editing a non-tenant deposit.
3. Tenant Application: Complete overhaul of Registration Info interface in the Tenant Application to comply with the new RSA Rider. Also fixed the Registered Rent import to the tenant when moving the applicant into the apartment.

Version 19.0059 October 8, 2019

1. Modify PDF Program: Restored the Modify PDF program to more places in RIS.

2. Checkbook Totals Utility: Fixed a printing issue.

3. Tenant Charges: Added a function that allows posting a tenant charge from a work order or a repair.

Version 19.0055 September 27, 2019

1. Renewal Lease Form: Added the new RTP-8 (9/19) form for Rent Stabilized Tenants.

2. Rent Stabilization Rider: Added the new Rent Stabilization Rider RA-LR1 (9/19). NOTE: To print on letter size paper, you must be sure to set the printer settings to scale to letter size (or for some printers, set to “fit”).

3. Modify PDF Program: Restored the Modify PDF program.

4. Accountant Lock Date: Fixed the Automatic Accountant Lock Date program to lock editing two months prior to the computer date.

Version 19.0051 August 29, 2019

1. Rent Receipt Program: Added a comprehensive program to generate rent receipts to comply with the new NYS law passed June 14, 2019.
2. Open Invoice Detail Report: Fixed an issue so the report can be filtered by property.
3. Deposit Options: Added an option during the tenant rent deposit program to repeat the previously entered apartment on the next deposit instead of reverting to the first apartment in the property. This simplifies adding multiple payments by the same tenant. This option is in More Utilities – Deposit Ticket Print Options.
4. Tenant Overview Window: Added a color selector for the pending legal status in the tenant overview window.
5. Income & Expense 12 months report: Added the option to select only certain months for the report.
6. Cash Flow Analysis Report: Fixed an issue with the report reporting the totals of certain asset accounts.

Version 19.0041 July 1, 2019

1. Vacancy List Report: Added prior tenant status code to the report.

2. Post Office Proof of Mailing: Added Lease Expiration Date to filters to enable printing Post Office form for lease renewals.

3. Tenant Overview Window: Changed the screen display when a legal case is pending.

4. Add a Check Program: Tab key order was changed.

Version 19.040 July 12, 2019

1. NY 2019 Law - 5 day Certified Mail Notice: Added a new template letter for the 5 day notice – certified. Included in the letter template are two new field codes. One field code lists open invoices for column 1 rents only (base rent codes designated to appear in column 1 in the company charge code setup) and one field code for the total due for column 1 rents.
2. Online Payment Portal Import: Added a feature that tenant portal payments can be redirected from the default checkbook to a specifically limited checkbook in the company. To set individual checkbooks, go to Company-More Information-Payment Portal Redirector and read information in RIS online help.
3 AvidXchange: Password protected paying AvidXchange invoices via the checkbook.
4. Scanning Invoices: Enabled scanning invoices immediately upon saving a new entry in accounts payable, checks and deposits.
5. Importing Charge Codes: Fixed an issue importing charge codes from one company to another. Program now shows all codes.
6. Importing Account Codes: Fixed an issue importing account codes from one company to another. Program now shows all codes.
7. Exporting Account Codes: Added a feature to export account codes from one company to all other companies.
8. Recurring Payments: Added a new selection – semi-monthly (every other month) for recurring payments.
9. Journal Entry Report: Added choice for more than one month.
10. Combined Menu: Added Cash Disbursements Report and Cash Flow Reports to the combined menu.
11. Current Legal Case Link: Added a button on the deposit screen to view current legal case.
12. Checkbook/Property Limitation: Where a company has more than one checkbook and you want to limit payments from these checkbooks to specific properties, the RIS program has enhanced all areas of the check payment program interfaces with accounts payable and recurring charges.
13. Batch Processing with Checkbook Limitations: If you use the Checkbook Limitation program, you can apply the restrictions to the Batch Processing Select and Pay Accounts Payable Program. This setting is in Company-More Information-Batch Processing A/P Redirector.

Version 19.024 April 23, 2019

1. Report Vendor Invoices: Fixed an issue with Excel export and filter settings.

2. Deposit Slip Printing: Add a setting to allow total number of items to print in the Total Items Box.

3. Avid Exchange: Add error report to diagnose internal errors during the batch process.

4. Ristimer.exe: Shut down exe if open upon starting the RIS program.

5. View Invoices under Vendor in Company Menu: Added viewing invoices for invoices saved under legacy program.

6. Create New Year Program: Fixed an issue in the revised Create Next Year program for fiscal year companies.

7. View Documents in Repairs Program: Fixed an issue locating documents when there are multiple checkbooks in prior years.

8. Work Order Reports: Added the ability to add company logo to Work Orders.

9. Cash Disbursements Report: Added a new One Line Report.

Version 19.014 March 5, 2019

1. Accrual Accounting: Accrual accounting is now enabled.

2. Tenant 1098 Program: Real Estate Tax information is now available to both the Property Menu->Real Estate Tax button as well as the Tenant Manu 1098 Program Real Estate Tax button. Previously the two were not in sync.

3. Close Year Program: This program has been renamed Create Next Year in order to avoid any misunderstanding that the year is “closed” and cannot be accessed. Program also enhanced to allow simultaneous processing for multiple companies.

4. Bring Forward Programs: This program is revised to allow simultaneous processing for multiple companies.

5. Cover Letter - Company: Additional functions added to include financial overview information on the cover letter.

6. Invoice Scanning/Injecting: New file storage for scanned and injected images now saves all items for invoices and checks in one location. This avoids document duplication, and consolidates the program so you can scan/inject to either the invoice or check. Program is backwards compatible.

7. Accountant Lock Date: Fixed issues found.

8. AvidXchage: Fixed issue with importing invoices from prior year and importing invoices with missing vendors.

9. Management Fee Report: Fixed issue with grand total line.