Version 18.0074 September 13, 2018

1. Audit Program: Added accounts payable to the auditing program.

2. Accountant Lock Date: Enhanced lock date program for checks and deposits so customers can view the details but not edit. Previous versions did not allow for viewing.

3. Combined Reports: Fixed an issue with the aged arrears report.

4. Combined Reports: Added Charges and Balances to combined reports menu.

5. Tenant Applied Summary Report: Added an option to exclude zero balances.

6. Combined Rent Bill: Added a new rent bill type so that one bill can be sent to a tenant that occupies multiple units.

7. Payment Portal: Added a new payment portal by Yapstone.

8. Lock Box Imports: Where the check payment identifier is longer than 20 characters, RIS will import the significant 20 characters from the right margin.