Version 21.0001 January 4, 2021


1. Ebalance Program: Expanded the input to accommodate for banks using date formats in reverse order with year first. Also added a special import the NCB bank

2. Excel Importation Program: Added to the import program the expanded parking import.

3. Avid Exchange: Fixed an issue with the Windows focus that is locking the program.

4. Expanded Parking: Added parking space to the rent bill comment line. Also, restored original Automobile Report.

5. File Searches: Added a program to search for documents using either short name or long name formats.

6. Proof of Mailing Form: Fixed an issue with Proof of Mailing program not closing the open data table.

7. Create Next Year Program: Reorganized the buttons to clarify that the Select Multi Company is merely a selector while the Create Next Year button does the processing. Also added a help button that connects to web help.

8. Tenant Labels: Added a filter for tenant lease expiration date.

9. Yapstone Payment Portal: Renamed button to Rent Payment.

10. Legal Actions: Added a button to access prior legal cases without having to start a new legal case.