Version 21.0014 March 10, 2021

1. Tenant Lease Info Screen: Slight redesign of screen to make room for additional fields.

2. Risdesk Program: Additional development of our new web based Resident Portal Program for residents to log in and view a statement of billings and payments for the past two years. Added a link to online payment portals and a maintenance request feature.

3. Sales Report: Added a report and browse function for Coop and Condo sales prices and added the price into the tenant application.

4. Tenant 5-Day Certified Mail Letter: Fixed an issue with the Field Code RTLBBR to include the full amount billed for prior years.

5. Accounts Payable Invoice: If the vendor code is changed, then the link to any attached scanned items will be corrected to link to the new vendor code.

6. Open Invoices-All Report: Fixed a printing size issue.

7. Clickpay Payment Portal: Added the ability to have two separate Clickpay accounts in a single RIS program.

8. Document Inject/Link: Added a utility to allow for a pre-set default folder to locate documents to inject into the RIS program. You can find this in more utilities-scanning button.

9. User Defined Field Titles: Added a process to copy User Defined Field Titles across all properties.