1. Accrual Accounting: Accrual
accounting is now enabled.
2. Tenant 1098 Program: Real
Estate Tax information is now available to both the Property Menu->Real
Estate Tax button as well as the Tenant Manu 1098 Program Real Estate Tax
button. Previously the two were not in sync.
3. Close Year Program: This
program has been renamed Create Next Year in order to avoid any
misunderstanding that the year is “closed” and cannot be accessed. Program also
enhanced to allow simultaneous processing for multiple companies.
4. Bring Forward Programs: This program is revised to
allow simultaneous processing for multiple companies.
5. Cover Letter - Company: Additional
functions added to include financial overview information on the cover letter.
6. Invoice Scanning/Injecting: New
file storage for scanned and injected images now saves all items for invoices
and checks in one location. This avoids document duplication, and consolidates
the program so you can scan/inject to either the invoice or check. Program is
backwards compatible.
7. Accountant Lock Date: Fixed
issues found.
8. AvidXchage: Fixed
issue with importing invoices from prior year and importing invoices with
missing vendors.
9. Management Fee Report: Fixed issue with grand
total line.