1. Rent Stabilization New Guidelines: RIS added a new 2-tier successive rent increase selection to the Property Renewal Percentage program. Please follow the instructions on our help website for details [Tenant Information – Renewal Percentages].
2. Rent Stabilization Renewal Leases and Riders: There are new Renewal Leases and
Riders dated March 2023. Please use the new files that are included in your
templates. For the NYC and ETPA Renewal Leases, you should change the Lease
Type selection in Property-Renewal Lease Percentages. Replace the 2022 form
with the 2023 form.
3. Data Encryption: Added
encryption of tenant Social Security Numbers and tenant ACH information. This
was done to secure this information from hackers gaining access to your
computer. For more information, visit our help website [Utilities – Security].
4. Tenant Bills: Added
a bill type named Applied Summary. This bill type will list all open invoices
and the balances due. You must check the box “Eliminate Zero Balances” on the
Tenant Applied Summary Report form once. To print the bills, proceed like
printing other bills but you must use new Plain Paper Extended rent bill form.
5. RPIE Export: A
new commercial spreadsheet was added to replace the former spreadsheet. Also
please note that the Residential spreadsheet requires a number in the months
vacant. The RIS program enters a zero.
6. Email Program: Added
a feature to use BCC to batch notices to enable email blasts to residents in 1
selected property using one email instead of multiple emails.
7. Payment Portal Import Screen: Added a new selection for importing from Zego/Paylease and
Clickpay. You can restrict viewing open invoices to only those cases where
there is an open invoice for billing codes you select. For more information,
visit our help website [Other Services – Clickpay/Paylease ...].