Version 21.0070 September 30, 2021


1. Renewal Update Wizard: Fixed an issue with Stabilized and Not Stabilized Renewals. Added an option so that for Non Stabilized Renewals the 6 month and Year-by-Year Stabilized features will not apply.

2. Property Rent Bill Setup: Added a feature to copy bill comment lines, return envelope information and pay rent to information across properties.

3. Vendor Information: Added an option to copy certain information from vendor of one company to other companies instead of copying all the information.

4. AvidXchange: Major overhaul of program for processing and exporting payments for Avid.

5. Scanning: Added two sided scanning ability to the RIS scan interface.

6. Repairs and Work Orders: Added the ability to link pictures and other documents to a repair or work order. Just click on the Scan/Inject button.

Version 21.0050 July 6, 2021


1. NYC Renewal Lease & Guidelines: Added a new Renewal Percentage checkbox for the 6 month delay in the one year renewal for the Rent Guidelines for the period October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022. Also updated the Renewal Lease Form.

2. Payment Portal Imports: Added a second test for duplicate tenant payments prior to importing the payments.

3. Scan/Link/Inject: Adjusted program to ignore scanner errors when performing an inject function.

4. Checkbook Monthly Check Screen: Added a “Check Print Status Button” to the Reports button to display if a check was printed, voided, cleared or uploaded (Bank Positive Pay CVS Upload).

5. Tenant Applications: Added a feature so that you can make a deposit for a Tenant Applicant in the checkbook. On the deposit screen you will see an additional choice for Tenant Applicant. If you want to make a deposit for an applicant, first use the Enable Applicant Deposit button to add the applicant to the applicant deposit list. Then you can make deposits for that applicant.

6. Daily Entry Reminder Program: Fixed an issue with some vacancies not showing on the list.

7. View Invoice Button: Changed the screen to add an additional Open button in the grid.

8. AvidXchange: Activated the edit check button to permit editing all check items (except the dollar amount when the payment upload file has already been made). Also added the URL to the View Invoice Button.

9. PDF Template Feature: Major feature was added to the Template Letters program. Now you can create a PDF file as a template using the RIS field codes and you can create and print fill-in pdf forms directly from RIS.

Version 21.0014 March 10, 2021

1. Tenant Lease Info Screen: Slight redesign of screen to make room for additional fields.

2. Risdesk Program: Additional development of our new web based Resident Portal Program for residents to log in and view a statement of billings and payments for the past two years. Added a link to online payment portals and a maintenance request feature.

3. Sales Report: Added a report and browse function for Coop and Condo sales prices and added the price into the tenant application.

4. Tenant 5-Day Certified Mail Letter: Fixed an issue with the Field Code RTLBBR to include the full amount billed for prior years.

5. Accounts Payable Invoice: If the vendor code is changed, then the link to any attached scanned items will be corrected to link to the new vendor code.

6. Open Invoices-All Report: Fixed a printing size issue.

7. Clickpay Payment Portal: Added the ability to have two separate Clickpay accounts in a single RIS program.

8. Document Inject/Link: Added a utility to allow for a pre-set default folder to locate documents to inject into the RIS program. You can find this in more utilities-scanning button.

9. User Defined Field Titles: Added a process to copy User Defined Field Titles across all properties.

Version 21.0001 January 4, 2021


1. Ebalance Program: Expanded the input to accommodate for banks using date formats in reverse order with year first. Also added a special import the NCB bank

2. Excel Importation Program: Added to the import program the expanded parking import.

3. Avid Exchange: Fixed an issue with the Windows focus that is locking the program.

4. Expanded Parking: Added parking space to the rent bill comment line. Also, restored original Automobile Report.

5. File Searches: Added a program to search for documents using either short name or long name formats.

6. Proof of Mailing Form: Fixed an issue with Proof of Mailing program not closing the open data table.

7. Create Next Year Program: Reorganized the buttons to clarify that the Select Multi Company is merely a selector while the Create Next Year button does the processing. Also added a help button that connects to web help.

8. Tenant Labels: Added a filter for tenant lease expiration date.

9. Yapstone Payment Portal: Renamed button to Rent Payment.

10. Legal Actions: Added a button to access prior legal cases without having to start a new legal case.