Version 18.099 December 21, 2018

1. Track Report Printing: Added a new utility to track report printing. This is intended to be used only for tech support issues where network files are locked.

2. Company, Property, Checkbook Sorts: Option to allow restoring original alpha sort for all entities.

3. Accountant Lock Date: Fixed issues found.

4. Avid Exchange: Fixed issues with export for checks with multiple line items.

5. Combined Reports: Continue adding additional reports to the combined reports menu.

6. Templates for NY Customers: Added templates for Bedbug Annual Questionnaire and Annual Notice for Stove Knob Covers.

Version 18.0083 October 30, 2018

1. Cover Page Function: Added a new template letter function Company:Snap1. This can be added to the Company Cover Page and will give a snapshot of the checking account for the month selected.

2. Persons Report: Fixed an issue with the excel export where there are commas in the data.

3. Microsoft Word 2016: Fixed an issue where Word does not close, and fixed and posted instructions on where Word does not open older files.

Version 18.0079 October 15, 2018

1. Audit Program: Fixed an issue with the data in the auditing program.

2. Persons Report: Added the tenant internal number to the excel export.

3. Monthly Columns Report: Added three more columns to the report and enhanced the excel export to include column headings.

Version 18.0076 October 7, 2018

1. AvidXchange: Made some corrections to the export algorithm, and enhance the export report with titles and additional information.

2. Bixby Export: Add selected other persons to the export file; add a utility to select other persons across all properties; and add a select all button to the property selector.

3. Ris on the Go: Made some revisions to the internal functioning of the program and created a window to show activity.

4. Graphic Services Export: Added a function to allow limiting the export to tenants not marked for email billing.

Version 18.0074 September 13, 2018

1. Audit Program: Added accounts payable to the auditing program.

2. Accountant Lock Date: Enhanced lock date program for checks and deposits so customers can view the details but not edit. Previous versions did not allow for viewing.

3. Combined Reports: Fixed an issue with the aged arrears report.

4. Combined Reports: Added Charges and Balances to combined reports menu.

5. Tenant Applied Summary Report: Added an option to exclude zero balances.

6. Combined Rent Bill: Added a new rent bill type so that one bill can be sent to a tenant that occupies multiple units.

7. Payment Portal: Added a new payment portal by Yapstone.

8. Lock Box Imports: Where the check payment identifier is longer than 20 characters, RIS will import the significant 20 characters from the right margin.

Version 18.0055 July 6, 2018

1. Order of Properties, Checkbooks and Companies in Navigator Pull Downs: Fixed issues with grids in the more utilities category that manages the sort order.

2. Late Charge Program: Enhanced Batch Process screen to show the grace date balance, the current balance and an expanded area to see status of late charge to be billed. Also fixed an issue where minimum balance due was set to zero.

3. Charge Back Letters: Extensive changes made to the Charge Back Letter program. See writeup in

Version 18.052 July 2, 2018

1. Global Charges: Added a backup and restore routine when customers use the global charges function.

2. Tenant Labels: Fixed an issue with the combined labels program sorting of labels.

3. Voiding an Invoice: Added to the comment line the words “void balance.”

4. User Indicator: Changed wording from “clear user” to “clear user indicator” to clarify that it is an internal RIS log that is being cleared and not the user’s actual login.

Version 18.047 June 22, 2018

1. AvidXchange Changes: Additional changes were made to the AvidXchange interface.

2. Reports Menu: We added a program to allow combining property data (or company data) into one report. There are now two menus. The Main Menu and the Combined Menu. We will add additional reports to the Combined Menu as requested by customers.

3. Import Vendors: Fixed an issue when importing vendors and accounts between companies.

4. Email Address Errors: Added additional diagnostic for vendor email addresses to correct common errors – missing @ sign, spaces in the email address, and a “,” instead of “;” separating email addresses. The diagnostic will run during the patch upgrade. Thereafter, data entry will be diagnosed as the email addresses are entered or edited.2.

5. Blank Check Printing: Fixed an error when printing a blank check.

6. Email Tenant Letters: Changed wording on screen to Email instead of Email All.

7. Lock Box Numbers: Added a diagnostic to prevent duplicate lock box numbers used for lock box and tenant payment portals.

8. Adding Scanned Documents to Disbursements Report: Enhanced the program to add documents even if customers use duplicate check numbers.

9. Rename Report Title: Renamed report title from Monthly Column Report to Monthly Billing Report.

Version 18.042 May 23, 2018

1. BuildingLink Export: We added a web export to

2. Global Charges Excel Import: Enhanced Excel import to recurring charges so that all credits can be applied to the same positive billing code.

3. Global Charges Excel Import: Enhanced Excel import to recurring charges so that new features RentallP and RentallN can be imported at one time.

4. ClickPay: Changed name in the system from NovelPay to ClickPay.

5. Check Printing: Fixed an issue where top and bottom stubs did not contain the same number of items when number of items exceeded 11 lines. Additional lines print on second page.

6. Company Recurring Payments Report: Fixed an issue where the report was not printing.

7. Invoices-Open-Detailed Report: Redesigned the report to add full name of account code.

8. Close Year Prompts: Changed the message to clarify that you can close the year under certain circumstances even when other users are in the RIS program.

9. Email Address Errors: Added a diagnostic to correct common errors – missing @ sign, spaces in the email address, and a “,” instead of “;” separating email addresses. The diagnostic will run during the patch upgrade. Thereafter, data entry will be diagnosed as the email addresses are entered or edited.

10. AvidXchange Changes: Major changes were made to the AvidXchange interface.

11. Void Invoice Button: Added a button on the invoice edit screen to simplify voiding an invoice by adding a negative amount to zero out the balance due. In this way you can keep the invoice and attached documents in the file and prevent it from appearing as an open invoice.

Version 18.026 March 29, 2018

1. Electricity Program Import: Rewrote the import for Quadlogic to match their new file structure.

2. Sterling National Bank: Added positive pay check program for Sterling National Bank.

3. Shutdown Station Program: Added an external program whereby every station can be programmed to shut RIS at specific times at night using the Windows Task Scheduler. This will enable the network administrator to run patch upgrades knowing that all users have been logged out of RIS.

Version 18.012 February 27, 2018

1. Import new property from Excel: Fixed an issue navigating after the import.

2. 1098 Mortgage Form: Changed the formula for calculating unit owner’s share of the mortgage principal.

3. AvidXchange Interface: Rewrite interface to make it more convenient to pay invoices online with AvidXchange.

4. Tenant Letters Program: Create four categories of tenant letters to allow for filtering letters as: Tenant Letters, Legal Letters, Chargeback Letters and All Letters.

Version 17.101 December 28, 2017

1. Tenant Chargeback: Enhancements made to the program to link/unlink documents to the tenant charges.

2. Bring Forward from Prior Year: We changed the wording on the screen from Bring Forward to Bring Forward from Prior Year to make this function clearer.

3. Excel Importation Program: We added for importing other persons, the lease dates applicable to subletting other persons.